2024 Know Your Local Patch

Landcare Tasmania's school holiday program continues into 2024!

With a changing world, it has become increasingly vital to reconnect the younger generation with nature. Understanding the importance of this bond, our "Know Your Local Patch" program was launched last school holidays to foster a love for the environment among children. 

We aim to help young people connect with their local areas, fostering a sense of curiosity, respect, and stewardship towards the environment. We encourage you to come along if you love the outdoors, animals and nature.

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Past Events

Strahan - Celebrating Tassie's hardworking little pollinators!

Looking for something different to do on the weekend? Join Friends of the Henty Landcare Group and Pollination experts at the Strahan Primary School Hall for a fun afternoon to learn all about Tassie's hard working little pollinators - Native bees. 

When: Saturday, 18th May 2024, 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Where: Strahan Primary School Hall

RSVP Strahan Here

Devonport - Bug Hunt!

Join us at the Tasmanian Arboretum in Eugenana for a bug hunt with local experts and scientists. Learn why little critters are so important to our ecosystems, and get up close to some creepy crawlies!

When: Saturday, 13th April, 10:00am - 12pm

Where: Tasmanian Arboretum, Eugenana

RSVP Devonport Here

Garden Island Creek - Platypus and Water Bugs

Spend the morning in a beautiful riverside bush location with platypus and water bug experts, discovering which water bugs live in the Garden island Creek area. These Water bugs are a favourite food for a very special animal, the platypus!

When: Monday, 15th April 2024, 10:00am - 12pm

Where: Garden Island Creek "Flat Rock"

RSVP Garden Island Creek Here

Kingston - Clean Up Australia Day

Become an Environmental Superhero and learn why it's so important to keep our natural places clean with interactive environmental story-telling sessions with a puppet expert and the Kingston Beach Coastcare Group.  

When: Sunday, 25th February, 10am-11:30am

Where: Christopher Johnson Memorial Park, Kingston

RSVP Kingston Here

Launceston - Happy Habitat

Join us with Friends of Trevallyn Reserve as we ask what makes a happy habitat, with fun activities!

When: Sunday, 11th February, 2pm-3:30pm

Where: Hoo Hoo Huts, Trevallyn Reserve

RSVP Launceston Here

Bayview - World Wetlands Day Walk

Learn from scientists and local experts why the wetlands are so valuable and what we must do to protect them, with a guided walk down Clarence Plains Rivulet.

When: Sunday, 4th February, 1pm-2:30pm

Where: Bayview Secondary College, Clarendon Vale

Info Bayview Here

Dover - Painting for Swifties

Join us with Dover Landcare and a local artist as we try our hand at nature painting, focusing on the endangered swift parrot. 

When: Thursday, 1st February, 10am - 12noon

Where: Port Esperance Sailing Club, 71 Station Rd, Dover TAS 7117

Info Dover Here 

Collinsvale - Pressing Matters!

Join us with Friends of Collinsvale as we take the time to learn all about plant pressing with a local expert!

When: Thursday, 18th January, 10am-11:30am

Where: Hall Rd, Collinsvale TAS 7012. Further along Hall Road, past Collinsvale Hall, opposite the dog park, you will find the Landcare Container. 

What to Bring: A camp chair to sit on or a picnic blanket

Info Collinsvale Here