Starting a Landcare Group
There's certainly no one way to start a Landcare Group! A group can be formed around a location, a school, a topic, or an awareness campaign. Landcare groups take many forms, from an informal facebook group for information sharing, to an Incorporated Association with a formal committee and membership. Landcare Victoria has some good notes on how to start a formal group with a committee. To lay down the foundation of your group, start with these steps:
Talk to people to guage interest. Perhaps start a facebook group or similar, and ask people:
- What environmental issue(s) are we trying to address? (Aims of the group)
- Why are we coming together as a group? (Purpose of the group)
- Authorisations: Who owns the land and where do we need to go for permission? (e.g. Council, Parks & Wildlife)
- Who else should we invite to help us? (Partners)
- What other Landcare groups are dealing with similar issues whose experience we could draw on?
- Register your group with Landcare Tasmania - Once you've decided on your Purpose and Aims, becoming a Member Group in the early stages will allow us to support you through the process! We can help spread the word, and give you access to our Action Planning guides, a custom email address, Google Drive storage, and a logo.
- Use our Action Planning Guides to help you determine your group's capacity and priority goals, and make an action plan (Found in our Members Toolbox, our members portal for guides and services)
- Use our guides below for Governance, Safety, Incorporation, and Insurance.
Governance - How to run a Landcare Group
How you set up, run and communicate in your group is important for both Landcare Tasmania and you and your group. Check out this handy guide with examples of how to set your group up for success.
Safety is paramount. Landcare groups are responsible for protecting their members and participants, and for recognising and managing risks. It is essential that groups operate in a safe manner at all times. This section has downloadable templates for risk assessments, emergency response plans, incident forms, and safety policy.
What are the benefits of becoming an incorporated association? Should your group look into incorporation? This is a handy check list of the pluses and minuses of having an incorporated group.
Member Groups of Landcare Tasmania can be included in the Landcare Bulk Insurance policy, which can cover a range of volunteer activities you and your group may be doing. It's free to those who need it through the Landcare Assistance Program (LAP) insurance grant. Check out the details here.
Insurance Guide, Downloadable Policy & Certificate of Placement
Covering the costs of running a group
Member Groups of Landcare Tasmania can access the Landcare Assistance Program (LAP) cash grant - a small annual cash grant to help a little with the administration costs of running a group. It can go towards any cost to the group, for example: safety gear, project materials, contractors or professionals, incorporation fees, post, stationary, phone or internet. *Note - As of 2024 this is under review due to changes in State Government funding
Training Opportunities
We run Outreach Events whenever we can, and use your responses to guage the demand for different topics and locations.
Other Member Services
We have a range of other services to help you in your Landcaring journey