Statewide landscape restoration grants open to community groups, primary producers, private landholders and more.
The Tasmanian Government launched the Landcare Action Grants in 2018, with the support of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) and Landcare Tasmania. The Program has been established to provide State funded grant opportunities to co-invest with farmers, landowners, and other community organisations on practical on-ground works for revegetation, sustainable agriculture, carbon farming and river restoration activities.
As part of this program, Landcare Tasmania will deliver an open round of grants for projects across Tasmania behalf of, and in partnership with, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (NRE Tas). Funds of up to $463,500 have been allocated for Round 5 of the open round grants. A further application round may be opened in late 2023 subject to funding availability.
Applications have now closed.
This statewide grants Program is designed to:
- Improve landscape and riverine health, stability and resilience;
- Support enhanced land management practices to reduce erosion and sedimentation; and
- Assist the community to holistically manage natural and productive land and waterways across the landscape.
- Provide opportunities for landholders to implement carbon farming initiatives in order to access carbon markets, in particular the Australian Government’s Emission Reduction Fund.
The type of activities that are eligible for funding through the Program include:
- Weed control
- Fencing to protect natural values
- Providing off-stream watering points
- Controlling pest animals
- Maintaining and improving ground cover (including pastures)
- Protecting and enhancing on-farm remnant native vegetation, including planting of new areas of native vegetation, and improving the management of existing remnants
- Managing fire regimes
- Protecting and revegetating habitat (including threatened species and communities)
- Habitat augmentation, such as installation of artificial fauna movement devices, artificial nesting or roosting habitat, environmental thinning or seed banking
- Carbon Farming initiatives recommended in independent reports prepared by suitably qualified professionals and in line with the broader Program
Important Dates:
Round 5 |
Applications Open | 16 June 2023 |
Applications Close | 31 July 2023, 11:00pm |
Assessment and approval of Round 5 applications | Aug - Oct 2023 |
Negotiation & Award of Round 5 grant agreements | Sept - Nov 2023 |
Notification to unsuccessful applicants | Dec 2023 |