Boneseed Bust with Southern Beaches
The bright yellow flowers of Boneseed weed are blooming in the dunes making them easy to locate!
It's time for some Boneseed busting!!
Working Bee 10 am to 12 noon Sunday September 5th
Meet at the Arnott Street entrance to the dunes at 10am. We will walk together to our work site in the dunes. Bring a drink and wear a hat. The vegetation is thick at this site so wear shoes, long pants and a long sleeve shirt to protect you from scratches.
Boneseed weed is widespread in the Southern Beaches environment so we take a strategic and opportunistic approach to managing this declared weed. We focus on keeping Boneseed out of our remnant bushland reserves and only carry out primary control where we know we have the people power to follow up and remove seedlings that are sure to pop up in following seasons. Each year we visit this site in the Park Beach dunes where, 15 years ago, a fire cleared the Boneseed and allowed us to clean up old rubbish, replant native plants and monitor what returned from the natural seedbank.
Get in touch to get involved