Friends of Freycinet

We assist Park and Wildlife with a range of management tasks in Freycinet National Park, Douglas Apsley National Park and Reserves

We walk the beaches from Falmouth down to South Friendly and around Coles Bay removing sea spurge, we deal with other weeds such as sweet Pittosporum, Psoralea, Spanish heath, Boneseed and Caper spurge within the Freycinet N.P, the Douglas Apsley N.P and all the reserves. In addition, we do infrastructure maintenance, painting, oiling boardwalks, repairing, rubbish clean ups etc. Our volunteers contribute roughly 1800 hours each calendar year over five working bees, a good effort for a group that has to travel to Freycinet at their own expense from the Hobart, Launceston and N.W Coast areas.

Membership Sponsor:
Glamorgan Spring Bay Council
Regular Events:
5 working bees per year: March (Mon-Fri); May (Mon-Fri); Aug (Mon-Fri); Oct (Mon-Wed) and Schouten Island for 10 days in December
How to Join this Group:
Anyone is welcome to join, they do need to be a member of Wildcare and a registered volunteer with NRETas

Primary Contact:

This information is provided for people to contact member groups about their community Landcare activities. Anyone wishing to distribute information generally to groups should contact Landcare Tasmania with their request.

Name: Jenny Baulis
Mobile phone: 0409 332 595
Email: [email protected]

Upcoming events