17th May 2023 |
Grassroots Action Network Does Awesome Landcare Fun (GANDALF) had fun creating their name - now these dedicated Landcarers are having fun travelling around Tasmania, meeting groups who need a hand with Landcare projects.
GANDALF will be doing some weeding in Kingston over the next couple of months, as well as a trip to Ross to help plant trees on a farm.
“I’m not exactly sure what trees we’re planting, but one of the guiding principles is that the midlands actually used to be the biodiversity hotspot of Tasmania, with its vast native grasslands. So we’re hoping to replicate that with sparse planting of trees and midstorey plants," said GANDALF spokesperson Ben Mildren.
A current fledgling band of six merry marauding makeovers, Ben said they are “Keen to get the word out! We’re still pretty new and trying to build up membership, we extend a welcome to everyone and would love to have people who are keen to travel to different communities and help out."
Like their friends UTAS Landcare Society, GANDALF are fighting a common enemy: the very invasive and spikey Gorse. The UTAS Landcare group undertook a recent West Coast field trip with Gorse eradication firmly in their sights. “One major weed we’ll definitely tackle is gorse, a European weed with yellow flowers that you can see pretty much everywhere as you drive along the midlands highway," said Ben.
Anyone wishing to get in touch with GANDALF can contact Ben on 0437 709 764 or [email protected]. In particular, GANDALF would like to to do more around the Glenorchy area.
All images: Warwick Lawson