Pay for Membership
Being an individual member of Landcare Tasmania is an easy and practical way of showing your support for community Landcare.
Use this page to make a one-time payment for a year of membership.
Click the yellow button below if you would prefer to sign up on an annual subscription:
If you need to make an offline payment, please click here
If you would rather make a tax deductible donation, head to our donation page.
Your member benefits include:
- Access to leadership opportunities and special events
- Access to annual TLF grants
- Discounted tickets to the Tasmanian Community Landcare Conference
- Free Members Outreach events
- Access to our grant notification service
Of course it’s also fine for your individual membership to be a way of showing your support for more than 300 Tasmanian Landcare groups, and their 6,000 members and volunteers.
A receipt will be emailed to you.