The latest successful projects under the Open Round of the State Governments Landcare Action Grants have been announced.
Landcare Tasmania rolled out the latest grant process with an overwhelming response. There were over 150 applications submitted from across the State. This response demonstrates a growing commitment within the Tasmanian community to protect and restore their local environment.
The grants awarded support revegetation projects, with a focus on riparian and wetland rehabilitation and shelterbelts. Priority weed control, remnant fencing and cultural land management activities were also included in successful projects.
A total of 30 projects were awarded over $312,000 for on-ground activities.
(Image: 2023 Landcare Action Grant Open Round 5 Approved Projects)
The Landcare community provides so much benefit to Tasmania as a whole by improving catchment health, landscape connectivity and better conditions for primary production.
Successful applicants will also provide a considerable amount of inkind contribution as part of their project commitments making this grant an important catalyst for community action.
The project assessment process involved a technical assessment committee with stakeholders from NRM South, Landcare Tasmania’s Members Council, Natural Resources Environment Tasmania, Tasmanian Land Conservancy, melythina tiakana warrana Aboriginal Corporation and the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association.
For more information on the Landcare Action Grants Open Round and future opportunities visit:
Keep an eye on our Website, News & Media Blog and Social Media for updates on the projects funded through this grant.