30/08/2022 - Last week at Agfest, Landcare Tasmania staff and volunteers spent Wednesday-Saturday sharing knowledge, chatting with the community, and checking out the awesome work going on across the state.
Thank you to the University of Tasmania for hosting us in their pavilion! It was great to share a tent with so many incredible academics, and to hear about food waste, recycling, and growing your own food.
Watching the ponies trot past Riawunna's space and their fire pit set the mood for a great weekend.
Our main focuses were the dangers of rodenticides, education on feral cat management, and linking people to groups and projects. Agfest goers were drawn in by our Eagle and Masked Owl which were generously provided by the Forest Practice Authority.
We got to chat to a wide range of people, and it was great to catch up with our groups, and other businesses and organisations doing amazing work in conservation and agriculture.
Image: Landcare's Project Officer Evie with Members Council reps Ellen and Ben and West Tamar Landcare's Gordon.
Utas held a great Panel Discussion, with one discussion focusing on conservation on farms. We heard from Annabel von Bibra, and three others who are part of our members council: Kerry Bridle, Ben Mildren, and Ellen-Rose Sorensen. This was a super productive and interesting conversation. Keep an eye out for Utas’ Panel Discussion at Agfest next year for a great opportunity to hear from academics about different conservation on farms topics in Tasmania.
Image: Utas Panel
We loved spending time with people from Tasmania with a variety of agriculturally related interests in Landcare, and checking out their displays and wares. We got to see some local schools with awesome displays and were inspired by the younger generation getting involved.
A huge thank you to our volunteers, including the West Tamar Landcare Group, Landcare Tasmania board and members council representatives Bill Harvey and Ben Mildren, for making this such a successful trip and to Rosemary and Neville for putting us up at Glenore Farm, what a treat!