Q & A with Landcare Legends Gwendolyn Adams & Brian Baxter

At our Community Outreach Event in Campbell Town on the 11th of May 2019, Landcare Tasmania's Peter Stronach interviewed two Landcare Legends who have been in the Landcare game for 25+ years: Brian Baxter and Gwendolyn Adams

Some good quotes from the Q&A:
20190511_25yr_LandcareLegends_Gwenodlyn_mum_planting_a_tree_(1)-_small.jpg"You just have to start something, if you never start something you'll never finish"
"I brought my mother along today, she never wore trousers or boots. You can see her planting in her high heels and skirt"
"We were pretty lucky, a few years ago we got a grant to get the soils tested right across the property... when my father was alive we used to put fertiliser a bag to an acre. We don't do anything now without doing a soil test first, you save a lot of money too!"   
"Landcare is about educating the kids to let them know they can make a difference."
"I haven't ploughed a paddock in five years... this year I've been able to grow plants up through January and February, it's cheaper and the results are better"
"The biggest project I've worked on is removing the willows along 15kms along the riverfront. It takes about 5 - 6 years to get rid of them. We have clear water now in the river, gravel bottom, and fresh water crayfish. We have about another 15kms to go."
"You have to organise things to get them happening, things don't just happen by themselves."
Watch the full interview below