2020 Membership Snapshot | New Corporate Membership Stream | Incorporation Guide | COVID-19 FAQ | Rodenticides
Who is Landcare Tasmania?
We are a not-for-profit NGO and registered charity driven by communities across Tasmania who are taking the initiative to look after their natural and working environments.
Once a year we take a snapshot of who our members are. Let's let the numbers speak for themselves...
245 Member Groups
After the recent Membership renewal drive, we now have 245 Member Groups (plus 13 new groups whose applications are in process) Our renewing groups reported on their volunteer activity in 2019. They also told us which habitats and landscapes their activities take place in, and which activities they participate in.
What contributions do Landcare Member Group volunteers make?
4,888 Regular Volunteers - these are the volunteers who are regularly coming to activities.
3,058 Events were held around the state, including working bees, meetings, outings, market stalls, info sessions and workshops.
162,585 Hours were contributed by volunteers!
That's the equivalent of 93 people working full time all year!!
Where do Landcare Member Groups make a difference?
Click the image for a larger view and more info on activities
54 Individual Members
These Individual Members hail from 21 of Tasmania's municipalities, plus a few interstate. These valuable members give financial support and/or are active in Landcaring in many ways. Some are part of several groups, some have succesfully completed projects funded by the Tasmanian Landcare Fund, and everyone shares a passion for looking after Tassie's land and coasts.
1 Corporate Member
Yes, that's right - Southern Waste Solutions (SWS) has become Landcare Tasmania's first ever corporate member! Read on to find out more...
View the full membership summary
New Corporate Membership Stream
Above: Rod Knight (LTas CEO), George Rance (LTas Board), Christine Bell (SWS)
This March, Landcare Tasmania signed on it's first corporate member, Southern Waste Solutions.
The new membership category recognises that businesses have an important role in finding solutions to environmental challenges, land management and sustainability options to benefit the whole community.
SWS accepts and manages waste at both the Lutana Waste Transfer Station and Copping Landfill sites and have a passion for responsible and environmentally friendly recycling and waste disposal.
SWS CEO, Christine Bell, said the membership was further proof that the organisation’s ethos aligns with Landcare’s charter to care for the environment.
“We look forward to expanding on our own education program this year, to include and incorporate Landcare-based initiatives,” Ms Bell said.
If your business is interested in Corporate Membership, please get in touch with CEO Rod Knight on 03 6234 7117.
Is your group incorporated?
Landcare Tasmania have released an updated guide on the benefits, risks, costs and requirements of incorporation for Landcare Groups. The good news - it is not as complex as it has been in the past.
COVID-19 FAQ for Landcarers
Can we continue working bees? What's happening at the Landcare Office? All your questions answered.
Rodenticides Project Launch
Above: Josh Pringle, Adam Cisterne, Peter Vaughan, Andrew Wilkie and Julie Collins, Rod Knight ©Natasha Mulhall for Landcare Tasmania
As autumn is upon us and mice, rats and other rodents are starting to seek warmer places to stay, last week was an ideal time of year to launch our Rodenticides Community Awareness project.
We were joined by MPs Andrew Wilkie and Julie Collins, and avian experts and biodiversity supporters Peter Vaughan (University of Tasmania), Adam Cisterne (Australian National University) and Josh Pringle (Keep Tassie Wild), and Landcare Tasmania CEO Rod Knight.
The program is going ahead with funding from the Communities Environment Program in the Franklin and Clarke electorates, plus generous donations from Birdlife Australia's Twitchathon and Keep Tassie Wild. The threat to our native wildlife from rodenticide poisons is very real, but there are other options available - this is where the Community Awareness Program comes in.
Worth a read/watch:
A video on Southern Tasmanian Climate models - Southern Tasmanian Councils are working with the Regional Climate Change Initiative to develop a coordinated climate action plan. Tasmania is in a unique position, having some of the world's most detailed climate models. Watch this excellent presentation to find out more.
Importance of Devils in keeping feral cats in check - New research provides evidence that Tasmanian Devils play a very significant role in keeping feral cat numbers in check, and in turn protect smaller mammals from extinctions that have occurred on the mainland. But with Devil populations in decline, feral cats are on the rise.
Welcome to our new member groups!
Community Landcare is continuing to grow! New member groups are a great demonstration of the generosity of the Tasmanian community to get involved in caring for our bush, land, coasts, rivers and wildlife. They're contributing to our vision for all the land and coasts of Tassie to be cared for by the community.
Check out the latest new members:
Baldocks Road Landcare - property-based group
Blue Derby Wild - community group
Coal River Valley Garden Club - community group
Comraich Property Landcare- property-based group
Hillwood Progress Association - community group
Jamiesons Road Landcare- property-based group
Port Huon Landcare - property-based group
Raptor Care North West- community group
Vermont Vale - property based group
You can also find details of all our member groups on our website.
How do I join a group?
Not sure where to start? We can help you find a group that suits your interests, or even help you start one if there isn't one local. Call the office on (03) 6234 7117 or send an email to [email protected].
Events Calendar
Normally we would include a list of upcoming events on our newsletter. Since many of these have been cancelled, we decided to leave it off this time. If you are wondering about a particular event, please contact the organiser on the event listing on our website.
Thanks for reading!
The Landcare Tasmania Team
Rod Knight - CEO
Peter Stronach - Community Landcare Manager, Deputy CEO
Priscilla Richards - Landcare Services Manager
Kat Traill - Events Producer
Raelene Mibus – Landcare Officer