Meander Catchment Project | Membership Promo | Seed Collection Video Series | Ecosystem Webinar | And More!
The Dirty Hands
Oct 2020
A Healthier Meander Catchment
The Landcare network in the Meander catchment is strong. During 2019-2020, a cluster of project proposals in the Meander catchment were submitted to the Landcare Tasmania Project Bank. This presented a great opportunity for Landcare Tasmania to bring people together with common goals, pool resources, and further activate the community Landcare movement in the Meander catchment. This landscape-scale project will deliver benefits for farm production and biodiversity and is being rolled out by Landcare Tasmania with funding from the State Government Landcare Action Grants and a donation from the JM Roberts Trust to the Tasmanian Landcare Fund.
End-of-year Membership Promo
Three months free!
Annual Memberships with Landcare Tas run by the calendar year, renewing on 31 January. If you join now, your membership will be valid through to the following year - 31 January 2022. Download our Membership Benefits info.
Landcare Tas Online Outreach
Seed Collection Video Series part III
Landcare Tasmania team member Kat Traill met up with Ruth Mollison, Landcare Tas volunteer and owner of Island Seeds, who explains how to create your own herbarium in a very approachable manner.
"One of the reasons you do a herbarium is because you don't always know what a plant is" says Ruth.
If you missed the other videos in the series, you can find them here:
Webinar on Ecosystem Restoration
Hosted by North East Bioregional Network
On the 28th September 2020 a set of 9 incredible speakers, and over 160 attendees, gathered online for a powerful and informative webinar discussing the pressing issue of ecosystem restoration.
The event gathered Australian and International speakers to share, celebrate and showcase the importance of scaling up restoration as we enter the United Nations declared Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030).
The webinar is now available for you to watch!
Reconnecting People and Nature: Tasmanian Community Landcare Conference 2021
We are excited to announce that Landcare Tasmania's biennial conference will be hosted in Launceston Tasmania in October 2021. The Conference will explore the contribution community Landcare can play in delivering the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration and it's goal to create a sustainable future for people and nature. More info to come!
Featured Member Groups:
If you have news to share, email it through to [email protected]
Penguin Rehab & Release (Burnie) need volunteers
Penguin Rehab & Release is looking for expressions of interest in a volunteer training day to be held in November (in Burnie) - in preparation for the upcoming "busy penguin season" which occurs over Summer and into Autumn.
An information evening will be held on 26th November at the Portside Building, and the training day (which occurs on-site) will be on Saturday 28th November. The information evening is designed to give prospective volunteers a realistic view of what is involved in volunteering at Penguin Rehab & Release. People who are interested and register will then be invited to the training day, which will give people hands-on experience as to what is involved.
Lewisham Landcare, planting with Indigenous knowledge
Rae Young of Lewisham Landcare sent us the following update on the latest phase of their long-term habitat revegetation project in the midlands. Funding for 300 plants was provided through Landcare Tasmania's collaboration with Fifteen Trees.
"Celebrating Science week in the midlands, students from Rosny College and Campbell Town School embraced the ‘two eyed' seeing, combining Indigenous knowledge and way of knowing with Western knowledge and way of knowing. We engaged in a smoking ceremony, wallaby tacos and planted 230 native plants at Lewisham. Plants were marked by an ochre thumb print of the planter.
The day after we planted the remaining 70 plants. The plants added to an existing revegetation area, consisting of old growth White gums and small patches of native grasses. This brings the total of plants planted in this 4 hectares site to 750 this year."
-- Rae Young, Lewisham Landcare
Keep up the good work!
Milford Forest LAP Grant put to good use
Every year, all Landcare Tas Member groups are eligible for a small Landcare Assistance Program (LAP) grant to go towards group admin or project costs. The Milford Forest is private land which continues to the shore, where nesting birds are vulnerable. This sign should help inform beachcombers of the sensitive residents. We can recommend an affordable sign-maker if your group needs something similar. Contact us
Bronte Park Landcare Group
Dean Brampton from Bronte Park Landcare group shares how to use their cleverly designed feral cat trap.
Can you believe this is all accomplished by volunteers?
If you are in a position to contribute financially, your donations would be gratefully received. We have made it easy for you to donate to any one of our member groups through Landcare Tasmania. Simply state your donation preference on the online form.
Worth reading more...
Myrtle Park habitat restoration project - an update from Friends of Collinsvale, UTAS Landcare Society, and UTAS Avian Club
Economic Impact of cat diseases on human health - it's eye opening!
Resources for managing feral animals - We've updated our online Reading Room with useful links to resources on best practice pest animal management.
How to control declared thistles - video by members Derwent Catchment Project
For Members
Landcare Tas AGM - date & venue change
The Annual General Meeting of Landcare Tasmania Inc. will be held in Hobart (or via teleconference) on Friday 20th November at 4:30pm. Financial members of Landcare Tasmania are invited to attend. You will need to register to attend the event.
The AGM is governed by the Constitution and there are deadlines for nominations for election to our Members Council and for submission of any items if Special Business to be considered.
Are you Planning a Project for 2021?
Members are invited to submit Expressions of Interest to our Project Bank NOW for projects they would like to undertake next year. It is especially important to get your projects in early if they involve planting, as plants need to be pre-ordered (i.e. sown and grown) from our partner nurseries soon. If possible, please include a species list in the 'What do you need' section.
To submit a project, Group Primary Contacts and Individual Members can log in with their registered email address, and find the yellow button to 'Click Here to Submit a Project Proposal'.
Welcome to our new member groups
Community Landcare is continuing to grow! New member groups are a great demonstration of the generosity of the Tasmanian community to get involved in caring for our bush, land, coasts, rivers, and wildlife. They're contributing to our vision for all the land and coasts of Tassie to be cared for by the community. Join them if they are in your area!
Check out the latest new members:
Friends of Riverside - Community Group
Berwick Close Property Landcare - Property-based Group
Garden Island Creek Landcare - Property-based Group
Rose bay High School Sustainability Group - School Group
Stroud Farm - Property-based Group
Meehan Range Trail Groomers - Community Group
Other ways to get involved
You can show your support and contribute to the Community Landcare movement in so many ways.
Your voice is more valuable than you think:
- Forward this newsletter to your friends (They can sign up here)
- Share our posts on Facebook, tag #LandcareTasmania and we'll share yours.
- Follow us on Instagram @LandcareTasmania
- Become an Individual Member to support our organisation
- If you're a business owner, consider becoming a Corporate Member
Get on-ground:
- Register as an extra-hands volunteer for one-off volunteer opportunities
- Join a local Member Group and check out the Events Calendar
- No group in your area? Start your own group, we'll show you how - for community groups, landholders & volunteer land managers, and schools.
Events Calendar
See below for a full listing of member events in the coming months. As many COVID-19 restrictions are now lifting, please check with the organiser whether these events are indeed running or whether they have been cancelled.
Thanks for reading!
The Landcare Tasmania Team
Rod Knight - CEO
Peter Stronach - Community Landcare Manager, Deputy CEO
Priscilla Richards - Landcare Services Manager
Rachel Larner - Finance and Administration Officer
Jenn Gason – Communications & Database Assistant
Jakob Sprickerhof – Project Officer